In Uncategorized by Jai Paul

The global pandemic brought about by the coronavirus has challenged many business owners like never before, leading many to innovate their way out of this crisis to the best of …

On-page SEO Audit

In Business Workbook by Jai Paul

On-page SEO is straight forward when you’re setting up your website. However, when your website runs to hundreds, if not thousands of pages, things get a little more difficult. The …

How To Plan Your Keywords

In Business Workbook by Jai Paul

[signinlocker] How do you keep track of all of those keywords? How can you possibly manage to sort through a thousand keywords to find the best one? How can you …

The power of backlinks

In Backlinks by Jai Paul

When it comes to organic search engine traffic, building backlinks is still the name of the game and don’t trust anyone who tells you otherwise.  Backlinks are what made Google …